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The Membership Committee’s purpose is to recruit and retain

members for the Minnesota Chapter of the AFCC. As such, the

members of the committee meet regularly, attend all AFCC

functions, create and distribute membership materials, and serve

as the liaison between the Chapter and potential new members.


Benefits of AFCC Membership:
An investment in professional excellence
There is no better way to keep pace with the rapidly changing environment for professionals who work with families in conflict than being an AFCC member. Your membership will provide you with the latest information, most knowledgeable resources and access to supportive colleagues, saving you valuable time and money.


Timely Access to New Information and Ideas


  • An international network of colleagues available through the AFCC online searchable directory.

  • The monthly AFCC eNEWS provides practice tips, research updates, relevant news and keeps members informed about AFCC events and initiatives.

  • Subscription to Family Court Review, AFCC’s quarterly academic and research journal in print and electronic formats.

  • Online access to Family Court Review archives beginning with the first issue in 1963.

  • Online Resource Center for Professionals and Parents.

  • Conference plenary audio downloads in MP3 format free to AFCC members.

  • The AFCC Parenting Coordination Network (listserv) offers the opportunity to share techniques and referrals and network with members who serve as parenting coordinators or are interested in this role.

  • Reports, research and practice guidelines and standards from The AFCC Center for Excellence in Family Court Practice inform the work of practitioners with the most up-to-date thinking in the field.

  • Referrals and assistance from the AFCC staff to help you find the information you need.
    Networking with Innovators

  • Conferences and training programs are a great way to meet colleagues, discover new ideas and recharge your batteries.

  • AFCC Chapters provide local networking opportunities, education and advocacy.

  • Participation on AFCC committees, task forces and projects provides opportunities to collaborate on contributions to the field.

  • Mentorship opportunities for students and young professionals.


Discounts and More Member Benefits


  • Substantial discounts on conference and training registration rates.

  • Member discounts on exhibiting and advertising.

  • 15% discount on AFCC publications.

  • 20% discount on publications from Wiley Publishing, which includes Wiley-Blackwell and Jossey-Bass.

  • Insurance discounts through Complete Equity Markets for parenting coordinators and mediators.


Save time and money by taking advantage of all these AFCC member benefits!


Benefits of membership in the Minnesota Chapter:


  • Lunch and Learns featuring expert speakers and cutting-edge topics, FREE for AFCC-MN members!

  • Annual half-day seminars focusing on emerging topics in family law, 50% off registration fees for AFCC-MN members!

  • Annual full day seminar featuring world-renowned experts in family law, psychologists and social workers


How to Join:
Click here to join AFCC – National.
Click here to join AFCC-Minnesota Chapter.




The Education Committee works to develop, implement, and evaluate continuing education programs for the multi-disciplinary professionals who work with families in conflict. The committee draws upon local and national experts to provide the highest quality training. The programming formats include quarterly Lunch and Learn programs, semi-annual half-day programs and an Annual Conference, held in connection with our Annual Meeting.


The Annual Conference Committee, a sub-committee of Education, is charged with planning and organizing the Annual Conference. The Committee seeks input from members and others about topics of interest and speakers who will provide high-quality training experiences.




The AFCC-MN Finance Committee oversees and monitors the fiscal operations of the organization as dictated by the AFCC-MN by-Laws. The committee includes the AFCC-MN Treasurer and at least one AFCC-MN Board Member (Chair). The Finance Committee is responsible for:


  • Providing a recommendation for an annual budget to the Board of Directors

  • Providing financial information to the Board and Committees for planning and analysis.

  • Providing recommendations for the policies relating to the fiscal operations of the organization.

  • Other duties as the Board from time to time directs.




It is the purpose of the Legislation and Public Policy committee to determine and promote the public policy positions of AFCC-MN. The committee is charged with responsibility for:


  • Monitoring and promoting legislative positions that are authorized by the AFCC-MN Board of Directors.

  • Making recommendations to the Board about taking official position regarding a particular policy, regulation or legislation

  • Providing active advocacy on specific legislation

  • Recommending criteria for determining whether AFCC-MN will actively engage in advocacy on specific issues, policies, regulations, or legislation



Recruit and recommend board members and officers to ensure the long-term stability of AFCC-MN, and suggest policies and procedures and develop rules and responsibilities for the Board and the Executive Committee.




The purpose of the PR Committee is to promote and advance AFCC-MN through increased visibility. Specifically, the Public Relations Committee is charged with responsibility for:


  • Procuring sponsorships

  • Promoting events created by the Education Committee

  • Increasing organizational visibility

  • Maintaining and updating the website

  • Creating policies for the website, i.e., what is posted or promoted on the site

  • Creating and disseminating a regular newsletter

  • Creating policies for what is included in the newsletter

  • Managing publications

  • Creating and distributing press releases

  • Building relationships with other organizations, e.g., academic; determining organizations for outreach, and specifying the nature and purpose of the relationship

  • Creating a national conference coordinator

  • Creating a speakers’ bureau

  • Liaison with the Education Committee




Training Committee shall be responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating AFCC-MN’s Alternative Dispute Resolution training programs and conferences. The Training Committee shall also liaison with the Mediation Center’s Steering Committee for the purpose of furthering the Training Committee’s goals until such time as the Mediation Center’s Steering Committee no longer exists or until AFCC-MN’s Board of Directors votes to end that relationship.




Values Committee shall be responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring the effectiveness of policies to support AFCC-MN’s commitment to expanding inclusion at all levels of the organization, and furthering the organization’s mission of improving the lives of children and families through the resolution of family conflict.

AFCC MN Committes

Education (Annual Conference)
Legislative and Public Policy
Public Relations

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AFCC-MN is an interdisciplinary and diverse association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of all children and families through the resolution of family conflict.

Contact Information


No Phone, please email


P.O. Box 16403

St. Paul, MN 55116


Contact Us


AFCC- MN Policies

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© 2023 by AFCCMN

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