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A gracious invite from AFCC-WI

Dear AFCC-MN Members:

Our neighbors to the East at  AFCC-Wisconsin  have graciously invited us to join a webinar that they are having on June 27th. Please see below for details. Thanks!

What might be learned through comparing two divorce movies released 40 years apart?

AFCC Wisconsin will host a free webinar on June 27, 2024 from 12 Noon to 1:30 PM CDT entitled Child Custody Cases Drama Then & Now: AFCC Takes on Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) and Marriage Story (2019).

Kramer vs. Kramer became an iconic story of divorce with children and an inspiration for family law "no fault" reforms. Marriage Story is arguably a Kramer vs. Kramer remake, The drama of both center on what happens to a young child whose parents respect each other as parents— until they feel drawn into a litigated custody battle.

Join us for a panel discussion on the enduring lure of litigation and challenges of parental hostilities. The panelists are prominent AFCC members:

Moderator for this webinar will be Alexandra Crampton, Ph.D.,an Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Studies at Marquette University and AFCC Wisconsin Board Member.

This event will start with brief movie synopses for those new or rusty on Kramer vs. Kramer and Marriage Story details, and then will open to panel discussion by 3 AFCC members whose careers were forged during the Kramer vs. Kramer era and 3 whose careers are arguably more of a Marriage Story era.

Participants are encouraged to download and read this article for movie synopsis in the context of analyzing real cases and how today's parents may resist invitation to avoid competition and litigation.

For more information about the session and the panelists, visit the AFCC WI website at this special webinar post.

This is a free webinar hosted by AFCC-WI and is open to all AFCC members. Registration is required however and you may do so at this link. You will receive your personalized link via email.

Our President-Elect - New Developments

AFCC-MN Members, It is with both sadness and excitement that I share the following message with you all. Our President-Elect, Racheal Howitz, is stepping down from her position. Racheal is expecting a

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AFCC-MN is an interdisciplinary and diverse association of professionals dedicated to improving the lives of all children and families through the resolution of family conflict.

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