As many of you know, Karen Irvin, one of the true legends in our community, is moving to Arizona at the end of the month. Karen pioneered the use of mediation in family law cases, and helped create and evolve the role of Parenting Consultants in Minnesota. She has trained hundreds of us, and served as a mentor to many more. It is safe to say our community would not be as collaborative, collegial, or as fun as it is today without Karen’s involvement and influence.
Karen has been involved with AFCC for virtually its entire existence, and was instrumental in helping bring the Minnesota Chapter into being. To honor this doyen of our community, AFCC-MN is hosting a virtual reception.
Please join us for a zoom-based virtual party, at 6 pm on Friday, May 8, 2020. We are planning a few things to make the event special, including an “open mic.” If you have a shout-out for Karen, please contact Jim Street or Jen Joseph.